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Dining In 1 minute

Recipe: Kale, Seeds And Grains Salad

Shannon Binnie, group executive chef of nature-inspired restaurant The Botanic, shares his vegan-friendly salad quick fix.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ask The Expert: Swedish Cooking Techniques

Tristin Farmer, executive chef of Restaurant Zén, the Singapore outpost of three-Michelin-starred Frantzén in Sweden, highlights the Swedish influences in his cuisine.

Dining In 2 minutes

6 Most Common Varieties Of Edible Seaweed

These vegetables of the sea are tasty, versatile and packed with nutrients.

Dining In 2 minutes

Recipe: Gulai Kambing

To share the joy of Hari Raya Puasa, chef Haikal Johari of one-Michelin-starred Alma shares a contemporary update of his family recipe for curried lamb.

Dining In 1 minute

The Perfect Wine Pairings for Your Next Barbecue

Three sommeliers from Michelin-recommended restaurants in the United States share what to drink with burgers, ribs, vegetable skewers and more.

Dining In 1 minute

Stocking Your Pantry At Singapore's Parks

Singapore's public parks like the one at Ann Siang Hill are little-known treasure chests for cooking enthusiasts, where you can forage for ingredients.

Dining In 4 minutes

Recipe: Momofuku Noodle Bar’s Shiitake Buns

David Chang shares his recipe for the popular and addictive dish from his first restaurant.

Dining In 3 minutes

Technique Thursday: 8 Tips For Perfect Steamed Fish

Steamed fish is a quintessential part of Cantonese cuisine. Hong Kong chef Leung Fai Hung dispenses advice on how to get the technique right.

Dining In 2 minutes

Recipe: Lobster Avocado Roll With Caviar

Alain Devahive of Olivia Restaurant & Lounge shares his love for quintessential Catalan culture and a recipe to impress.

Dining In 3 minutes

Recipe: Naturally-dyed Easter Eggs And 5 Ways To Decorate Them

This Easter, have fun with the children and colour your Easter eggs with a pretty and natural twist.

Dining In 3 minutes

Ask The Experts: Tips For Selecting The Best Fish Sauce

Fish sauce has been riding on the trend of healthy eating for its natural, umami-packed content. Here're some tips on picking the top of the crop.

Dining In 1 minute

Recipe: Handmade Naoshichi Noodles

These hand-cut noodles are coloured with precious saffron and lifted with a citrusy zing from naoshichi, a rare lime-like fruit from Japan.

Dining In 1 minute

Recipe: Ikan Assam Pedas With Dough Fritters

Veteran chef Philip Chia transforms this Peranakan classic into a party-friendly canapé.

Dining In 3 minutes

6 Popular Plant-based Meat Alternatives From Around The World

Here are some of the innovative brands that have mushroomed up to produce plant-based alternatives to beef, pork, poultry and eggs.

Dining In 2 minutes

Recipe: Gluten-Free Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies

Brian Reimer of Farmshop in Los Angeles shares the recipe for his store's best-selling gluten-free cookies.

Dining In 3 minutes

Ingredient: Butterfly Pea Flower

Chase away the blues with this magical colour-changing tea and its stress-relieving antioxidant properties.

Dining In 2 minutes

Recipe: Paella Valenciana With Socarrat

Try your hand at Manuel Berganza’s winning paella dish in Netflix’s The Final Table, which comes with the essential crunchy layer at the bottom of the pan.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Hawthorn

Hawthorn is your saviour whenever you have a substantial or greasy meal.