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Technique Thursdays: How to Make Ghee

The age-old Ayurvedic cure-all promises to solve your kitchen woes.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ask The Experts: How To Buy and Store Oysters

Oysters may be an easy crowd-favourite, but keeping them fresh for home consumption could be tricky. Here are a chef's tips on how to serve them right.

Dining In 2 minutes

Recipe: Kaya, The Healthier Version

Love kaya but its literally heart-stopping ingredients - not so much? Try your hand at urban farming specialist Cynthea Lam's healthier version of the local coconut jam favourite.

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Ask the Expert: The Difference Between Japanese and Australian Wagyu

Like wine, the location of a cattle farm within a country can greatly affect the quality and flavour of the beef it produces

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Technique Thursdays: Why Double Boiling Is Good For Your Health

The Chinese philosophy of maintaining health through diet dates as far back as the 6th century BC, when the founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, famously said, “medicine and food are from the same source”.

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Recipe for Ondeh-ondeh or Klepon

The history of this Southeast Asian sweet treat - and an honest, time-honoured recipe.

Dining In 2 minutes

5 Singaporean Dishes to Order In For Singapore's 51st Birthday (or the Olympics!)

Whether you're throwing a SG51 pie tee party or toasting Singapore's medal counts with a Singapore-inspired cocktail, we’ve got your last minute food whims covered.

Dining In 2 minutes

Technique Thursdays: Why Dry-Aged Beef Always Tastes Better

We look into the science behind the holy grail of steak.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ask the Experts: How to buy and store uni

You’ll know that uni is fresh when it keeps its shape and isn't mushy. Uni is soft, melts in your mouth but should still have a little bit of bite, much like tofu.

Dining In 1 minute

Recipe: Homemade Purslane Pesto

Raw, vegan and gluten-­free, this recipe is simple to execute and bursting with fresh flavour

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A beginner's guide to foraging in Singapore

Foraging may sound like an impossible task in concrete jungle Singapore, but edible plants are still wildly available if you know where to look, says urban farming specialist Cynthea Lam

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4 tips for making better dumplings

We take you through a brief history of this delicious Chinese culinary tradition, and share 4 practical tips for making your dumplings infinitely more delectable

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Essential online shops for farm-to-table produce in Singapore

These four new e-commerce start-ups will deliver ingredients straight from the farms directly to your kitchen table.

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The 5 Mother Sauces of French Cuisine

Get to know the 5 sauces so integral in the French (culinary) Revolution.

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Recipe: Verbena Tea Catalan Cream

Nothing says "Mummy, I love you" like homemade dessert.

Dining In 3 minutes

Recipe: Baked cheese tarts

Queueing not quite your thing?
Stay in and create your own take on these trendy gooey-centred pastries

Dining In 3 minutes

Essential herbs for every edible garden

Get on the farm-to-table bandwagon with these 4 essential - and very delicious - culinary herbs

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#HotRightNow: Salted egg yolks

5 things you should know about Singapore’s trendiest ingredient