

Features 2 minutes

The Rise Of Korean Beef In Hong Kong

Korean beef, or hanwoo, has turned many Hong Kong diners into loyal fans. What exactly is its charm?

Features 4 minutes

The Legacy Of Legendary French Chef Joël Robuchon Lives On

Chefs around the world who had been mentored by Joël Robuchon are keeping his spirit alive in their kitchens.

Features 5 minutes

8 Chefs Share Their New Year’s Resolutions And Predictions

The top chefs from Michelin-starred restaurants around the world share their hopes and dreams for the new year and the food trends they think will catch on in 2019.

Features 3 minutes

Look Back 2018: The Loss Of Top Chefs

It has been a gloomy year in the dining scene as chefs around the world mourn the untimely loss of a clutch of esteemed chefs.

Features 4 minutes

10 Biggest Food Happenings In Singapore In 2018

We look back at some of the biggest restaurant news and most delicious trends that have happened this year.

Features 2 minutes

5 Food Trends To Watch Out For In 2019

We gaze into the crystal ball to get a glimpse of what foodies can expect in the new year.

Features 3 minutes

Ruby Is The New Brown In The Chocolate World

A new entrant in the chocolate scene, pink-hued chocolate joins dark, milk and white chocolate as a contender in the field of desserts.

Features 1 minute

A Christmas Carol: Chefs Go From The Kitchen To The Recording Studio

For this festive special, we get chefs to trade their aprons for mics and took them to a recording studio.

Features 4 minutes

Six Singapore Food Brands That Have Taken Flight Overseas

From bak kut teh to burgers, chocolate to tea, made-in-Singapore food companies are flying the foodie nation’s flag high around the world.

Features 5 minutes

Making A Seismic Change

Chi Pin Han, the Singaporean behind Ishinomaki Grill & Sake, quit his job and opened the restaurant after witnessing the devastation in Ishinomaki after the 2011 tsunami.

Features 2 minutes

The Art Of Cantonese-style Porridge: Mui Kee Congee

A taste of Cantonese culinary tradition in a soulful bowl of porridge.

Features 5 minutes

How High Staff Turnover is Affecting The Restaurant Industry In The United States

Like Singapore, the dining landscape in the US is facing a labour crunch with the high demand for staff and tipping among the causes.

Features 2 minutes

Sip On This: A Brief History Of The Straw

The journey of how man’s most loyal drinking companion for the last 700 years became 2018’s biggest villain.

Features 6 minutes

What Does A Collaboration Dinner Mean To Top Chefs?

Four-hands, six-hands dinners? Acclaimed chefs Hideaki Sato, Julien Royer and Kai Ho discuss what makes or breaks a culinary crossover.

Features 3 minutes

Experiencing The Beauty Of Kaiseki In Kyoto

Nowhere is Japan’s elegant culinary philosophy and prowess better expressed than in colourful and complex kaiseki cuisine.

Features 4 minutes

Trading Toques For The Hawker Life

It's a hot hard life, but the rewards are great and possibilities endless for these restaurant chefs-turned-hawkers.

Features 2 minutes

Toss For Tradition: Mid-Autumn Festival Dice Game

Forget feasting on mooncakes or carrying lanterns. Try a little-known Mid-Autumn board game that can promote bonding.

Features 2 minutes

Top French Chef Anne-Sophie Pic’s Singapore Debut To Feature Femininity

Singapore spices and ingredients will be integral to La Dame de Pic, the three-Michelin-starred Maison Pic’s Asian outpost in the historic Raffles Hotel.